We are very blessed to have many friends and neighbors around us with citrus fruit trees. I would love to plant some citrus trees as soon as we get our yard "plant-ready," but until then, I am enjoying deliveries of oranges, lemons, and grapefruit from those who have an abundance.
I'm a huge fan of lemons, especially to bring a little life to my water and to my food. And I love having grab-and-go oranges around for when I'm looking for a healthy snack. But the only way I've ever eaten grapefruit was with piles of sugar thrown on top. Not the healthiest, I know. I just couldn't seem to enjoy it otherwise.
Until my husband opened my eyes to the wonderful world of fresh grapefruit juice.
After extracting the juice from a whole grapefruit, I pour in into a glass and fill the rest with water. I add two packets of nustevia, give it a good stir, and wah-lah! I'm not a big water drinker, but having grapefruit around has definitely encouraged me to drink more water. It's so refreshing!
My research also tells me...
- Grapefruit is loaded with vitamin C, which is an immune builder and cold-fighter. A must-have during the winter months!
- The red and pink colors of grapefruit are due to lycopene, which is a carotenoid phytonutrient (fruits and vegetables that are high in carotenoids protect us against certain cancers and heart disease!)
- Grapefruit helps to lower bad cholesterol, which is something that I deal with already (it runs in my family).
- Grapefruit helps with weight loss! It is high in enzymes that burn fat, has a high water content and has minimal sodium. The combination of these three make grapefruit the perfect food for increasing metabolism! I'll take it!
Hooray for grapefruit!
I plan on drinking it everyday while it's in season!
That is, if my children leave any left for me. Hehe.
P.S. Grapefruit and certain other citrus fruits and products can interfere with several kinds of prescription medications. I had no idea. So, do your research before making it a part of your daily diet! Read more about that here.
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